Weekly Design Inspiration: New Year's Resolution Organization
It’s that time again! The time of year that we think of everything we want to achieve and do better in the new year. It’s easy to create huge (sometimes unachievable) resolutions for the new year, but I always make sure to throw in a few small, achievable wishes that are sure to make a positive change in my life but also make me feel good about crossing something off my list!
If you’re wishing for some more organization, less chaos and less stress in the coming decade, keep on reading.
If you’re a regular human you’ve had at least one instance in life where you’ve misplaced something and wreaked havoc on your entire home trying to locate it.. usually trying to locate something you’ve put in a “safe place” somewhere..
Magnolia Home
You’ve probably heard of the KonMari method of tidying and organizing which mostly involves culling anything that doesn’t bring you joy or isn’t a life necessity and organizing it in a space saving way that allows you to find something easily.
It’s not an option for everyone, because it often involves some time to initially organize, and keep organized. I don’t necessarily follow this method to a tee, but I totally agree with culling anything that doesn’t spark joy! Unless it’s something you need, love, is a family heirloom or you have a distinct purpose for - sell it or donate it! Spark joy in a different way, by selling online and funding a new project or donating to someone in need.
From Great Beginnings view of organization is one to follow! Everything in your home should have a place, if it doesn’t have a place and doesn’t fall into one of those categories above, then it likely doesn’t have a place in your home. If things have a place to live in your house, you will always be able to find them, and your total clean up time each week will be cut majorly (hopefully). The Organising with the Feds workbook helps you keep track of money coming in and out, budget for all of your upcoming home projects and a place to keep track of important measurements so you’re not stuck at the store wondering if something is going to fit in your cupboard during a once in a life time sale!
Lisa Tharp Design
Built in cupboards
Why are built in cupboards so much more beautiful than free standing ones?! The clean, seamless lines between wall, ceiling and cupboard makes every room a breath of fresh air. Organize any space with a built in - bedroom, basement, living room, kitchen, you name it!
From Great Beginnings
Anyone else drooling over this organized pantry?! Using containers especially for each long life item in your pantry gives you a visual of how much is left of each item and majorly declutters! You can even move to a wasteless grocery system, check out your local wasteless grocery store and package your groceries straight into your containers without affecting the earth.
From Great Beginnings
If you’re anything like me, you love soft warm high quality bath towels! You probably also hoard them and don’t realize that you do! Ditch the towels you don’t need, keep a few high quality ones for you and guests, and a few lower quality for the animals and kids - donate the rest or drop them off at the cottage!
Organize your bedding by type (pillow cases, sheets etc.) or by bedding set. Have you ever put an entire bedding set on your bed and misplaced just ONE of the pillow cases?! Despite what the Boxing Day sales say, you do not need multiple bedding sets. One or two per bedroom will suffice!
You’re going to HATE me for this one.. If you don’t wear it, you don’t need it!! Donate or sell things you don’t wear anymore or don’t fit. There are also companies that rent outfits to reduce the fast fashion impact, if you need a fancy dress for a one day event, renting is a great option to consider!
If you hate folding clothes, or know you’re likely to throw clothes on “the chair”, opt for a more hang-friendly closet to meet your needs. Could you imagine cutting the time to find an outfit down by half or more?!
Anne Sage
Home Office
You can thank me later!! You will be so much more efficient once your home office is organized and clean! Humans work so much better in an organized and clean space, so it’s no wonder you can be more successful when you don’t have to focus on clutter and junk.
Hide your appliances that aren’t used regularly away, place important items within reach and make your space warm and comfortable! Check out this post for our favourite home offices!