Candace Plotz is the founder and principal designer of her namesake studio and the brick-and-mortar home and lifestyle shoppe, Homeful. While her first career was not design-related, the more than 40 relocations—and subsequent redecorations—it required was the catalyst for an evolution of identity, experience, and personal style that culminated in Candace following her lifelong interests and inherent gifts to designing interiors.
Today, Candace’s services are sought after for her curatorial style and penchant for layering timeworn and modern, contemporary and traditional, practical and artful. The homes she designs are reminiscent of living galleries, a celebration and romanticizing of her clients’ everyday lives.
Candace’s work is not defined by any particular design genre, but centers instead on the enduring quality of tactile materials, timeless furnishings, and intuitive functionality. The narrative woven throughout these elements is shaped by her clients’ own well-traveled stories, values, and lifestyles. You will find her work and expertise featured frequently across formats like print, web, and television.