Building a Custom Home
There are a TON of decisions that go into building a home. I’ve been actually meaning to sit down and write this post for a while but hello lack of time! After a few more inquiries from potential clients building homes this week, I figured now was the time!
What I find most people building a custom home don’t realize is the number of decisions that need to be made. Building a home with a production builder is very different. You select a ready-made home plan from the options they give you and make a visit or two to a design centre where you make finish selections.
Source: Fireclay Tile
When you’re building a custom home, things look very different. For example, Elyse McCurdy Home Designs and I have been designing and tweaking #thecpdhouse plan for 12 months! Yes, you heard me correctly. We started the process in January 2020 and I’m thrilled to announce that our final plan was delivered this week (January 2021)
Now it’s off to our structural engineer for approval.
We don’t break ground until the spring and I’m already having to think about eavestrough!
Choosing plumbing fixtures now, so that the rough-in plumbing is in stock and the plumbers have everything they require when it’s time to start. Flooring, interior doors and trim, lighting plans, stair style and spindles, windows, kitchen plans and selections, bathroom fixtures and tile … the list is never-ending it seems and it’s no wonder our clients find it overwhelming and reach out for assistance.
Source: Elyse McCurdy Home Designs
I spent weeks and weeks focused on our windows. Natural light is so important to me and there are considerations that need to be made when it comes to the size (and of course budget) For example, how will it look from both the exterior and interior. Next up - colour selections. So many clients we work with don’t realize that you can select a different colour for the outside and inside. This allows you to really customize your home so this is definitely something you should keep in mind when building or renovating.
Source: Christian Daw Design
Building permits need to be applied for but first, the septic plan is required (if you’re building in the country like us)
There are equally as many decisions that need to be made for the exterior. Stone, Brick, Siding, colours, soffit, fascia, doors … the list goes on and on.
And not to complicate things more, however, if you need a construction mortgage, there are things to consider such as money draws, holdback of funds, lawyer fee’s etc. You’ll want to ensure you include these additional costs into your budget.
The custom home process is not a quick one and requires a lot of thought. All before a shovel is put into the ground there are months and months of planning and many considerations that need to be made.
Will it all be worth it in the end - I have no doubt but here is my friendly reminder …start planning early!