weekly design inspiration: snug as a bug

Let's cozy up and talk about one of the latest trends sweeping through the design world: the snug. If you haven't heard of it yet, fear not! We're here to unpack this snug phenomenon and why it's becoming a favourite in homes everywhere.

the snuggle is real

So, what exactly is a snug? Picture this: a space that's snug as a bug in a rug, a spot where you can curl up with a book, sip on your favourite beverage, and simply unwind after a long day. It's essentially a cozy nook, a retreat within your home, designed to evoke feelings of warmth, comfort, and relaxation.

Now, you might be thinking, "Isn't that just a fancy term for a reading corner?" Well, not quite. While a reading corner is certainly a part of it, a snug encompasses more than just books and a comfy chair. It's about creating a multifunctional space that caters to your specific needs and preferences.


Source: Rita Konig

Source: George Saumarez Smith


snugs all around

One of the reasons the snug has gained popularity is its versatility. Whether you live in a sprawling mansion or a compact apartment, there's always room for a snug. It could be a window seat bathed in natural light, a corner of your bedroom transformed into a mini oasis, or even a cozy alcove under the stairs. The key is to utilize the available space creatively and make it your own.

But what makes a snug truly special is the attention to detail. From plush cushions and throws to soft lighting and soothing colours, every element is carefully curated to enhance the overall ambiance. Think textured fabrics, warm wood accents, and perhaps a hint of greenery to bring the outdoors in. It's all about creating a sensory experience that envelops you in a cocoon of comfort.


Source: John McCall

Source: Renshaw Hiscox



Now, let's talk functionality. While aesthetics are important, a snug should also serve a practical purpose. Maybe it's a quiet spot for meditation and reflection, a designated area for catching up on emails, or simply a place to unwind with loved ones. By incorporating elements like built-in storage, adjustable lighting, and ergonomic furniture, you can maximize both style and functionality in your snug.

Of course, no snug would be complete without personal touches. Whether it's family photos, cherished artwork, or your favourite scented candles, these little details add character and personality to the space. After all, a snug should feel like an extension of yourself, a sanctuary where you can truly be yourself and recharge your batteries.


Source: Nadine Finnegan


Source: Rose Uniacke


In conclusion, the new snug is more than just a trend; it's a lifestyle choice. In a fast-paced world where we're constantly bombarded with stimuli, having a cozy retreat to escape to is essential for our well-being. So, whether you're revamping your existing space or planning a new home design, consider incorporating a snug into your plans. Trust me, once you experience the warmth and comfort of your own snug, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it

Until next time, stay snug and happy designing!


Source: Sarah Stewart-Smith


Design Tip: Layer textures in your snug for added coziness. Combine soft fabrics like velvet with natural materials such as wood to create a tactile and visually appealing space.


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