weekly design inspiration: rest assured

The bedroom is more than just a place to sleep; it’s a sanctuary, a retreat from the world, and a personal canvas where our innermost dreams and desires take form. Bedroom design is all about creating spaces that resonate with our need for comfort, individuality, and a touch of artistry. The most inspiring trend of 2024 is the move toward highly personalized spaces and today I’m going to share what’s currently inspiring us at CPD. 

house west design


house seven design


albion nord


nina farmer interiors


Design Tip: Scour flea markets or online marketplaces for unique vintage pieces that speak to you. Don’t be afraid to mix different eras—eclectic is in. A vintage rug or a classic chandelier can serve as the perfect counterpoint to modern decor.


weekly design inspiration: autumnal bliss


weekly design inspiration: lime wash and learn